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Wholemeal Flour Organic 1kg

Wholewheat Flour Organic 1kg

Also known as High Protein Flour, &/or Stoneground Wholemeal Bread Flour
Our wholewheat flour has the full flavour of the whole grain and gives the consumer the benefit of the full range of vitamins and minerals contained in the grain. The flour contains 100% of the whole wheat grain, including the bran and germ - nothing is removed.
It is excellent for breadmaking, fruit cakes, pancakes, etc.




Wholemeal Self RaisingFlour Organic 1kg

Wholemeal Self Raising Flour 1kg

Our wholemeal self-raising flour is made using the 85% Light Flour, blended with rising agents Bi-Carbonate of Soda and Cream of Tartar. Phosphate rising agents are not used. Ideal for cakes, scones, slices, damper etc.





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